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What Is Clean Energy?

by Aferiy Blog 07 May 2023 0 Comments

Clean energy refers to energy obtained from sources that don't emit any pollutants into the atmosphere when used. In today's world where climate change remains a burning question, the use of clean energy is vigorously advocated by the globe. Read this post and have a deeper understanding of clean energy.

Examples of Clean Energy

Speaking of the ranges of clean energy, the conversation is far more than what's commonly acknowledged to us. The following comes several typical examples.

1. Wind energy

Wind is an abundant energy source we can easily access. Generally, people use wind turbines to capture wind energy. When wind blows over the blades of the turbines, causing them to rotate and produce electricity. The electricity generated then can be used in homes or factories, etc.

2. Solar energy

Solar energy is the most easily accessible clean energy among all the kinds. Through solar panels, people can collect sun's energy and convert that into useable electricity, which can be used to charge up devices and power household appliances later on. Some homeowners and RVers also use solar panels together with a portable power station for backup electricity to fulfill the power needs during emergencies or outdoor trips.

3. Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy is produced using heat from the deep center of earth. Averagely, geothermal power plants use steam coming from reservoirs of hot water in the Earth's core to rotate a turbine that powers a generator, and produce electricity.

4. Hydro energy

Hydro energy is produced using the force of running water. Once the water moves, it will rotate the blades of a turbine, which then powers a generator to produce electricity.

5. Tidal energy

Tidal energy is created using the surge of waves during the rise and fall of tides. Though not widely applied yet, tidal energy is potential to be put into broader use for electricity generation in the future.

Benefits of Harnessing Clean Energy

The use of clean energy means a lot to our home planet . On one hand, it plays a leading role in speeding up the economy growth. As a cost-effective way to generate electricity, it lessens the burden of all kinds of power plants and gives them a larger room to thrive. Additionally, farms, factories, homes and enterprises can harness clean energy to cut down the utility bills and for energy storage.

On the other hand, clean energy helps fight against global warming. The globe is warming up because of excessive emission of greenhouse gases to the air. So the first measure to be taken to cope with global warming is not to increase the emission of carbon dioxide any more. Luckily, harnessing clean energy is a great way to do the trick.

Make Use of Clean Energy

Now that we have a better understanding of clean energy, we can make use of it in our daily life to reduce the burden of our mother home. Sunlight — as the most easily accessible energy source, can be the first one of energy source you can utilize for environmental protection action. Explore your solar power solutions here and go solar!

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